At this special event, we took our guests on a journey through the exciting developments around circular calcite. We showed how this eco-friendly material, sourced from water-softening reactors at drinking water companies, is finding more and more uses in industries like food, animal feed, cosmetics, and high-end industrial applications. It was also a great opportunity to look back at our shared successes with partners and stakeholders.

What started in 2010 as a trial to explore calcite as an alternative material for water softening has grown into the creation of a full-scale factory. Here, sand-free calcite granules are processed into custom-made raw materials for various uses. The factory recently added a production line that makes seeding material for drinking water companies, making the whole process fully circular. Thanks to the hard work and collaboration of many, we’ve reached the scale we aimed for. The number of uses for calcite keeps growing, and what we’ve achieved so far shows not only our progress but also the huge potential for the future.

During the event, we proudly introduced the new name for the calcite line: QualityCal. This name really captures what the product stands for: quality — at every step of our circular process.

Together, we’re building towards a more sustainable future!