At the moment, the Netherlands does not have a phosphorus shortage in the soils, but a surplus due to the overuse of phosphorus fertilizers and manure. On top of that, the composition of struvite is not always ideal for direct application in agriculture. With the unique SusPhos process, we can convert the struvite into flame retardants, a different market with a growing potential due to the ban of halogenated, toxic flame retardants. SusPhos offers a renewable recycled, economically attractive and high-quality product for a real market need.

AquaMinerals and SusPhos are happy to announce the collaboration on the necessary research on struvite and the possibility to use the struvite produced at the water authorities as a sustainable raw material for the SusPhos plant. Both parties acknowledge the importance of the recovery of other elements in struvite such as magnesium and nitrogen and will include this in their collaboration.

SusPhos will build its Pilot at Paques Technology BV and run the pilot at the wastewater treatment plant of Leeuwarden, Wetterskip Fryslân. The cooperation between SusPhos and AquaMinerals has been supported as well by the Energy and Resources Factory (EFGF), the network organization of the all regional water authorities that stimulates recovery of raw materials and energy from waste water.

More information about SusPhos can be found on or Contact person: Marissa de Boer, +31628502959

More information on AquaMinerals can be found on Contact person: Olaf van der Kolk, director, +3130 606 9721

SusPhos is an innovative technology-based spin-off company from the University of Amsterdam that takes a phosphate rich product, struvite, from the regional Water Authorities and converts it right back into market-known phosphate fertilizers and flame-retardants. For the last few years we and our partners have searched for and found applications for the phosphorus recovered from municipal wastewater.

AquaMinerals is a company that markets residual products from its shareholders, all Dutch drinking water companies as well as a growing number of water authorities such as Waternet/AGV, and Waterschap Aa- en Maas.